Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Handicap International, DisasterReady
Registration deadline: 26 Jan 2016
Starting date: 26 Jan 2016
Ending date: 26 Jan 2016
Is your humanitarian response systematically including people of all ages with disability into data collection, registration and all assessments? Are you facing challenges in actively collecting sex-, age- and disability-disaggregated data (SADDD) throughout the course of your programmes?
Join us on 26 January at 10am EST | 3pm GMT | 4pm CET for a discussion on disability data collection with Mitch Loeb, Health Scientist in the Office of Analysis and Epidemiology at the National Centre for Health Statistics (NCHS), Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, USA, and Pauline Thivillier, Programme Monitoring Officer, Sightsavers, UK. The discussion will be moderated by Ricardo Pla Cordero, Technical Advisor for Inclusion in Humanitarian Action at Handicap International.
This 1-hour webinar will focus on the use of 6 Census Questions on Disability Endorsed by the Washington Group. Mitch Loeb, who is actively involved in the work of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics and the operationalization and cross-national comparability of disability measures in surveys and censuses, will reflect on his work in humanitarian settings. Pauline Thivillier will present on the experience of Sightsavers in its use of the Washington Questions on disability in a pilot project in India and Tanzania. Presentations will be followed by time for questions and discussion.
This is the second in a series of thematic webinars on age and disability inclusion in humanitarian action. Future webinars will cover topics such as protection and education, WASH and shelter, health and nutrition, health and rehabilitation, camp management, logistics and communication, and food security and livelihoods. Webinar participants may also be interested in the e-learning modules Understanding Older People and Their Needs in a Humanitarian Context and Basic Principles of Disability Inclusion in Humanitarian Response.
The webinars are held as part of the Age and Disability Capacity (ADCAP) programme, a three-year initiative to strengthen the capacity of humanitarian agencies to deliver age and disability-inclusive emergency response. The ADCAP programme is led by HelpAge International in collaboration with CBM,, Handicap International, IFRC, Oxford BrookesUniversity and RedR UK.
How to register:
Register at: