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Security Management for NGO & Humanitarian Organisations
Security Management Online Course for NGO and Humanitarian Organisations. This course takes approximately 40 hrs study time and covers a wide range of topics and security principles suitable for not only NGO security managers, but any security manager working in insecure environments.
Course Format:Online Training Course
Learning Hours:40 guided learning hours
Course Structure:The course has 12 units. Each unit is assessed by either multiple choice, true/false questionnaire, short answer assignment, short research assignment or combination of these. The course is self enrollment and is completed in the learners own time. All units are open to the learner on enrollment but units must be completed to move on to the next unit.
Course Information:
This course is based on materials and approaches developed by UNHCR’s Field Safety Section for the training of UNHCR managers deploying to insecure environments. The materials have been modified by Evosec to apply to a wide range of humanitarian organisations, NGOs and aid agencies. The Security Risk Assessment (SRA) model is based principally on that of the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS). Other tools and materials have been drawn from various text, on-line, and other training resources, with due attribution to the original source wherever possible.
The aim of this course is to introduce managers of humanitarian and development programs in insecure areas to the techniques and tools of managing risk. Emphasis is placed on three principle areas of concern: security risk assessment, security plans and planning, and critical incident management.
There are several assessments throughout the course including multiple choice questions, short answer questions and assignments. The assignments will be graded by a tutor who will give you feed back on each of your answers.
This course is designed to be informative and build up the concepts associated with security and risk management in insecure environments. If you would like further practical training you may be interested in Evosec's "Planning, Implementing and Managing Security Plans in insecure environments". This course is a classroom based course with real world scenarios, group projects and discussions that help develop the skills required for managing security systems. The "Planning, Implementing and Managing Security Plans in insecure environments" course will be launching in April 2014
Learning Objectives for this Course
After successfully completing this learning module, you should be able to:
- Better understand the global trend of insecurity facing humanitarian field workers and the general types of responses that are being taken to meet security threats in the field by UN, Red Cross Movement, and NGO partners.
- Understand, appreciate and explain the overall Security Risk Assessment (SRA) and Security Risk Management (SRM) approaches to security management for humanitarian field workers.
- Use standardized terminology and tools to assess threat patterns, analyze risk, and prioritize measures to reduce risks of different threats in your working environment.
- Develop basic security plans, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and scenario-specific contingency plans for serious security incidents.
- Understand the basic strategies for responding effectively to critical security incidents in the field should they actually occur.
- Understand the relationships between different operational partners in the field concerning your security.
- Understand and deal with the relationship between stress and security for field-based staff.See Full List of Units >>
Course Cost:€750 includes certification fees.
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